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7 Steps to Find Motivated Sellers Without Having to Cold Call
Let me show you how I easily tripled my leads from motivated sellers and closed more deals without having to cold call.
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Wake up to motivated sellers! Download your "7-Powerful Steps To Finding Motivated Sellers" FREE Guide now, and discover our number 1 way to find motivated sellers and get them calling you.
What this Guide Book will teach you...
If you want to know how to Find Motivated Sellers, then the "7-Powerful Steps To Finding Motivated Sellers Without Having To Cold Call" Guide will take you step-by-step through finding motivated sellers and close more deals now.
The 7 Most Important Steps:
- How to farm the hidden market. Finding the golden eggs that other investors usually overlook everyday.
- How to pull a targeted motivated list using little to no money.
- The secret formula to find more deals at any networking meeting.
- The secret source to the most valuable off market deals directly from motivated sellers. (This source will shock you.)
- How to enlist a virtual army of people to help you locate off market properties. This is so powerful and when done well is a goldmine of hidden properties.
- Exactly what to say to influence neighbors to find more motivated sellers. (This will blow you away.)
- Tapping into expired listings. These sellers already want to sell their property. Learn the exact steps to how I made $80,000 on this one technique without ever talking to a realtor and how you can too.

Download Your Free Guide Now!
7 Steps to Find Motivated Sellers Without Having to Cold Call
Let me show you how I easily tripled my leads from motivated sellers and closed more deals without having to cold call.
Come join thousands of real estate investors who are just like you and finally discover how to locate motivated sellers with off-market properties. Learn the secret to creating a profitable real estate business lifestyle and enjoy the freedom you so richly deserve.

Maria G.
Hi, I'm Maria Giordano and I'm passionate about helping people and teaching enlightened entrepreneurs how to thrive and grow their real estate investing business. However, this wasn't always my life. Many years ago I was a divorced single mother with a disabled daughter, working, nights, holidays, weekends. Seeing very little of my family. As a single mother, I couldn't provide enough food or warm clothing for my children.
But I knew real estate was the answer and has made more millionaires than any other industry out there. In 2009 I met my husband Gary and he shared my love of real estate. Once, we started investing in real estate I replaced my income as a trauma nurse in less than 45 days and made over $200,000 in the first 6 months investing in real estate. Together Gary and I created a multi-million-dollar real estate empire using exclusively other people’s money.
Gary and I are the author of 4 books on real estate, and are go-to expert for many industry titans. I have been interviewed and featured on RealtyTrac, Investor’s Business Daily, The Wall Street Journal, ABC’s Nightline and Good Morning America to name a few.
When I'm not busy flipping houses and building my own portfolio, I consult with a select few enlightened real estate investors on how to thrive and grow their real estate investing business. I’d like to show you how to do things effectively the first time around so that you can become a successful real estate investor now.
Some words on the manual
"In only two weeks working with the Real Estate Profit System, I was able to get my first rent-to-own tenant. I rented the property for $300 more than market rent and received an $8,800 option fee. The tenant/buyer was so thrilled they even thanked me for giving them the opportunity to become a homeowner!"
Taylor R., Phoenix, AZ
"After reading a book provided to me by Maria (no less than 3 times the first night) I literally sat at the table with my jaw-dropped and in utter shock. The books contents gave me just enough clarity, without having the base-knowledge to have actual competency, to feel confident in the first steps to take to make this happen."
Richard B., Vancouver, WA
"Using very little of my own money and with no credit of my own I was able to purchase my first property-using seller financing. I will make over $103,000."
Samar S., Phoenix, AZ
"Download Your FREE Guide Book"
- How to find motivated sellers and get them anxiously calling you.
- How to pull a targeted list of motivated sellers using little to no money
- The tools to find a goldmine of unlisted motivated sellers using referral sources.